

Florida Statute 316.130 governs the movement of pedestrian traffic. Contrary to popular belief, a pedestrian DOES NOT always have the right of way and may receive a traffic citation.

At a traffic light, the pedestrian must cross at a crosswalk and when a traffic light is green for them the same as any vehicle. Not crossing at an intersection is considered JAY WALKING and is a violation.

When a pedestrian has legally entered a crosswalk, traffic must yield to the pedestrian and this includes traffic making a right turn, left turn or proceeding straight.

The old adage to “DRIVE AS THOUGH THE PESTRIAN HAS THE RIGHT OF WAY” is a good rule to follow. Pedestrian must realize that a vehicle’s body is much harder than their body and when crossing the street, even though they may have the right of way, an intelligent decision to yield to a vehicle is a wise decision.